Burberry Brand

BurberryFounded in 1856, our brand is sustained by our author’s passion for the outside. Thomas Burberry constructed the innovative rainready fabric gabardine to cover explorers from the rudiments.
In doing so, he created the foundation for the iconic Burberry gutter coat, which remains core to the business indeed moment
Throughout our history, we have been inspired by nature and the outside, enabling explorers and originators to open new spaces and unlock endless possibilities
Our ambition, driven by our purpose and values, is to do well by doing right. Burberry
Through creating luxury products made to last, diving the climate extremity and empowering our people and communities around the world, we can work together to secure a better future for our sedulity, our earth and generations to come
Our bottommost Responsibility strategy, Burberry Beyond, encompasses everything we do across our Company, our force chain and our communities to produce a better world for the coming generation
BurberryAs the modern British luxury brand, we are committed to acting responsibly as a business to achieve our pretensions
We have set intentions across four priorities, supported by 12 targets against which we track progress against to produce lasting change.
Check out some items we offer from Burberry brand .
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